Wednesday 25 January 2017

Characters and Casting

NAME: Charlie Taylor

AGE: 36

PROFESSION: Financial adviser

LIKES: His dog, hiking, going out for meals

DISLIKES: Watching TV, his job

HISTORY: Parents got divorced when he was very young, and so he grew up with just his mum. After completing his A-Levels, he went to university to study finance. He has had a few long term girlfriends, but nothing too serious.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Very quiet and reserved, likes to keep himself to himself

FRIENDSHIP GROUPS: Has a few close friends from college, but apart from them and his colleagues from work, he doesn't really see anyone else

THREE DESCRIBING WORDS: Quiet, conscientious, reserved

I decided to cast Andrew as my main character for a few reasons. Firstly, he is around the right age and so no makeup or drastic clothing changes would be needed to give the character the right feel. He's also comfortable on camera, and is good at keeping neutral facial expressions, and so it will probably be easy to get the emotion right in minimal takes. He is also available very often, and he lives near the locations that I want to use, and so it won't be difficult to arrange filming days and if anything needs redoing it won't be hard to organise that either. The costume that I want won't be difficult to organise, as they too need to be very plain. I am planning on getting him to wear plain dark trousers and a white shirt, and maybe a coat over the top - however, as long as it gives a smart-casual vibe it doesn't really matter too much. These too will hopefully help reflect the repetitiveness and boringness of the character's day to day life. They won't be difficult to get hold of as I'm sure he will have them in his wardrobe already, but if he doesn't it will be very easy to source any of these items from charity shops or borrowing them from someone etc.

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