Tuesday 17 January 2017

Final locations

I'm going to be using Wymondham train station because it's very near to my house, meaning it's easy for me (and my actor) to get there, and we can visit it as many times as we like. It's also a lot smaller than other train stations, such as the one in Norwich, and so will be less busy/we will have less interuptions. This is the only station close by that fits with my plot - it would be no use me trying to use Norwich station, as trains don't pass through it, they stop to pick people up. This, therefore, wouldn't fit with my plot because I need a train passing through at quite a fast speed when the character bends down to pick up the shoes. Finally, Wymondham station is better than Norwich as you need to buy a ticket somewhere to actually have access to where the trains are, which could become very expensive very quickly, whereas Wymondham it's free entry. There are only a few other locations I am going to be hopefully using, but they don't need to be anything specific - they are my kitchen, and any road.

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