Sunday 22 January 2017


These are the people I am considering for my character. I chose them because they both fit the general criteria, and I feel they could easily match the mood and feeling of both the entire opening and the main character. They are also both relatively comfortable on camera, and whilst neither have any acting experience, they both seem very willing to learn.

I think, out of the two people I have been considering, Andrew would be more suitable for the role as he is closer to the age I was thinking. It wouldn't be too difficult to use makeup and clothing to make Jordan appear the right age, however this could be a problem if we had to film over two days. It would also use makeup skills that I don't have, so I'd have to find someone to do it for me for a low cost or free.

I didn't think it was very necessary to do an audition as such, as there isn't any dialogue, and if it goes as planned, there aren't any close ups or shots that require specific facial expressions. Since it is meant to reflect the boring and the ordinary, all they need to do is be able to keep a normal, relaxed expression throughout filming. However, I did run through the script with both of them just to check they were happy with everything, and they both seemed very happy to give it a shot if needed.

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